Shruti Sambeg is a popular Nepali audio novel series that captivates listeners with engaging storytelling. Created by renowned author Achyut Ghimire, the series presents a rich collection of literary works, including fiction, short stories, and poetry, brought to life through captivating narration. With its soothing and immersive audio experience, Shruti Sambeg has become a beloved platform for Nepali literature enthusiasts to indulge in the magic of words and imagination.
Hariprasad Lamichhane was born on Chait 5th, 1984, in Jaisideval of Kathmandu as the eldest son of Rajkumari and Shankar. When he was very young, his parents separated, so he grew up with his maternal uncle in Mawali Ghar, Banaras, along with his maternal uncle after his mother remarried. Unfortunately, his maternal uncle passed away during their stay in Banaras. His mother then educated him at school in Banaras. Tragedy struck again when his mother also passed away a decade later. Following this, he returned to Kathmandu during his adolescence.
Lamichhane completed his education up to ISC. Later, he became involved in landownership. Just before the end of the Rana era, he acquired an estate position in Guthi Adda. After that, he became the president of the Nepal-India Cultural Center's library. After some time, he was transferred to the Indian Embassy as an ambassador and cultural assistant. However, he couldn't connect with the new environment and left due to his pride.
In the course of his estate career, Lamichhane was appointed as the chief manager in the domestic arts and sales depot. However, he couldn't stay there for long. Later, he also worked in cinema halls. He worked as a manager at Jana Sewa Cinema Hall, Nepal's first cinema hall. Yet, he was not successful in those positions either.
Personality and Writing Style:
Lamichhane was quite sociable. He was very close to Mahakavi Devkota. Both of them were experiencing financial difficulties at the time. However, their earnings were not substantial. Therefore, Lamichhane decided to engage Devkota in the profession of guiding foreign tourists. At that time, Lamichhane was working as a guide, and he saw this as another source of livelihood for Devkota. Devkota was also unaware like an ignorant child. Whatever he said, he believed. Whenever another man approached him with any idea, he would come and tell Lamichhane about it. However, Lamichhane was determined to help Devkota financially.
Lamichhane's contributory style is appreciated in Nepali essay writing. His progressive essays reflect intense intellectuality. He also worked as a businessman during his time. He experimented with words, style, and presentation in his writing. He continued to print his articles in literary sources for fifteen years. Later, he gradually became involved in discussions. However, he only produced works of depth. His essay collection "Abstract Thought Pyaj" won the 2024 Madan Prize. Many of his poems were published, and his short story collection "Ganthali ko Gund" (2025) was also published. Additionally, his personal-centered essay collection "Bimb Pratibimb" (2028) was published. His other essays, "Godhuli Sansar" (2027) and "Shankar Lamichhane" (2032), were also published.
Lamichhane is recognized by all those interested in Nepali literature. Especially in the domain of Nepali essays, his name comes after Mahakavi Devkota. However, he is perhaps not as appreciated by readers of essays as Devkota. In fact, he became very famous as a creative writer. He introduced new styles, dimensions, and environments in his essays. Therefore, he was considered unique in Nepali literature. Lamichhane also inspired others to write. His writing was a source of extraordinary inspiration. He wrote from the heart, from the mind, and from the words. This made his writing intellectually nourishing. Therefore, he quickly became popular. Additionally, his organizational style was appealing. On the request of Mahakavi Devkota, he became the secretary of the Poetry Establishment, and later he became the editor of Indreni. He also edited eight parts of Our Literature, a children's curriculum. He was equally dedicated to organization, editing, and creation in Nepali literature.
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