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Thursday, August 17, 2023

Subarnalata | सुवर्णलता | Nepali Novel audiobook by Malika Keshari | मालिका केशरी

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The novel "Subarnalata" has been written by Malika Keshari. This novel was published by Sāṅgrilā Books in the year 2074 (Nepali calendar), and it is able to portray both the current and historical status of the world of women.

This is the second novel by the novelist. Just like her first novel, this novel also takes the form of the reader's favorite novel in terms of revival. Although it seems ordinary at the beginning of the novel, the more the novel progresses, the more it creates an artistic creation with various complexities.

The history of thousands of years, which has been hidden by the black curtains of darkness, has been revealed through the gaps, and that section which has been revealed is the golden section.

Listen Nepali novel Subarnalata with crystal clear voice of Achyut Ghimire from Ujjyallo Network program Shruti Sambeg.

SubarnaLata Episode 1

SubarnaLata Episode 2

SubarnaLata Episode 3

SubarnaLata Episode 4

SubarnaLata Episode 5

SubarnaLata Episode 6

SubarnaLata Episode 7

SubarnaLata Episode 8

SubarnaLata Episode 9

SubarnaLata Episode 10

SubarnaLata Episode 11

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